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and now on to the posts...Featuring our speakeasy's journal:
Fumbling Toward Democracy

Monday, September 24, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
College Kid Gets Tazered at Kerry Speech
A guy got harassed by the police, arrested, and ultimately tazered after asking John Kerry a question about being in the Skull and Bones group with Bush.
Again, what country is this and what happened to Freedom of Speech?
Again, what country is this and what happened to Freedom of Speech?
Friday, September 14, 2007
Planet X or Wormwood, coming to a solar system near YOU
One Source to consider is Dr. Rand
the following information is from YOWUSA
"Produced and hosted by Marshall Masters, a former CNN science feature field producer, it is an ideal Planet X / 2012 primer for those new to this vital topic.
As the co-author and publisher of Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide, Marshall believes that 2012 will be a survivable, evolutionary event."
Part 1 of 5: The Threat
"Shows how the approach of Planet X is already changing our world."
Part 2 of 5: Scientific Proof
"Presents scientific proof for a catastrophic return of Planet X in 2012."
Part 3 of 5: Historical Proof
"Presents historical proof for past catastrophic flybys of Planet X and ancient predictions regarding 2012."
Part 4 of 5: Surviving the Flyby
"Examines the massive Planet X preparations our governments are making in anticipation of a 2012 Planet X flyby."
Part 5 of 5: Beyond 2012
"Offers a post-2014 vision of our world and how humanity will rebuild after the Planet X flyby."
Learn More About Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project
the following information is from YOWUSA
"Produced and hosted by Marshall Masters, a former CNN science feature field producer, it is an ideal Planet X / 2012 primer for those new to this vital topic.
As the co-author and publisher of Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide, Marshall believes that 2012 will be a survivable, evolutionary event."
Part 1 of 5: The Threat
"Shows how the approach of Planet X is already changing our world."
Part 2 of 5: Scientific Proof
"Presents scientific proof for a catastrophic return of Planet X in 2012."
Part 3 of 5: Historical Proof
"Presents historical proof for past catastrophic flybys of Planet X and ancient predictions regarding 2012."
Part 4 of 5: Surviving the Flyby
"Examines the massive Planet X preparations our governments are making in anticipation of a 2012 Planet X flyby."
Part 5 of 5: Beyond 2012
"Offers a post-2014 vision of our world and how humanity will rebuild after the Planet X flyby."
Learn More About Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ghostly Image in Japan
Did a Japanese security camera catch an apparition of some sort on film? Judge for yourself...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Why is the Controlled Mainstream Media so SCARED of RON PAUL? The Truth that he Speaks!
Rev. Lennox Yearwood Arrested and Harmed...
...all for trying to attend the Capital Hill Hearings with Gen. Petraeus. Full story with video here
Alex Jones Arrested in NYC
Reporter and radio show host Alex Jones was arrested in NYC during a 9-11 truth protest. The scary part is, was this done because he was breaking the law (by using a megaphone) or because of WHO he is? Also, I'm concerned that this is one step in the direction of squashing freedom of speech and any form of US protest. NYC is apparently making potential demonstrators apply for permits, and then denying permits. THANKS Michael Bloomberg! Looks like a 'potential dark hose candidate' might also be a fascist! (Bloomberg are you looking in the mirror yet?) See a version of the story here
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Just to be clear
Although this site has been posting a great deal of support for Ron Paul, it is noteworthy to state that there are other candidates that deserve some respect. {Remember , this writer is NOT a Republican, I am fiercely non-partisan. However, I AM considering changing affiliation to vote for RP in the primary. I don;t agree with everything that RP stands for, but I am willing to make sacrifices (as I am NOT a one issue voter) for the greater good of SAVING MY COUNTRY!}
Check out:
Dennis Kucinich (D)- I love him (he's the Rep from our district in C-town) and he is a bit batty, but he is honest and believes in love and a lot of the same things that Ron Paul does, just from a Dem POV. I like that he is also for gay-rights, and still has ideas about getting out of NAFTA etc. I just don;t see him as a president, but as a great speaker and Rep.
Mike Gravel (D)- honest and is not afraid to speak his mind! Older seasoned man with great ideas.
Have any more suggestions for this list? Also, have you been to Unity08.com?
Check out:
Dennis Kucinich (D)- I love him (he's the Rep from our district in C-town) and he is a bit batty, but he is honest and believes in love and a lot of the same things that Ron Paul does, just from a Dem POV. I like that he is also for gay-rights, and still has ideas about getting out of NAFTA etc. I just don;t see him as a president, but as a great speaker and Rep.
Mike Gravel (D)- honest and is not afraid to speak his mind! Older seasoned man with great ideas.
Have any more suggestions for this list? Also, have you been to Unity08.com?
Have YOU 'googled' Ron Paul Yet?
Well do it already DAMN IT! It is likely that you will be impressed. I can't believe that FOX, of all networks, gave this airtime, but hey...we'll take it!
Wikipedia has a NAU page
Someone has begun a page about the NAU and the "Amero" on Wikipedia. Follow this link to see
Monday, September 3, 2007
Ron Paul in NH LIVE Townhall
Since the mainstream media won't give real coverage or time to Ron Paul, here is an opportunity to see him in a complete townhall forum uninterrupted. Take some time to watch all of these as you will truly begin to see where he is coming from. Remember, the major TV networks will NOT be giving him this much coverage.
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-Pearl Jam
Merry's Personal Credo
This is MY 'truth':
Please know that whether you are religious, not religious but spiritual, an agnostic, or an atheist, I respect your world view and see it as an equally valid perspective, for it is YOURS.
-Religion is akin to dogmatic bureaucracy; an attempt to 'better' know 'god' through socialization, which can lead to arrogance and typically does. For instance, there are so many different religions, yet each one believes that they have 'got it right.'
-Isn't it more important to have 'faith' that we are a part of everything that is in the universe and will return to it (the universal energy source) when we die, since energy transfers and is not destroyed?
-Math and science only work because we say that they do, they are rooted in knowledge only 'provable' by the human perspective. In another dimensional reality, the rules that we have established as truth would not be likely to apply.
-Believe that you are a part of an infinitely large and infinitely small system (micro/macrocosm), so is the earth, the universe, etc., and your perspective of it is only based on your experience via human senses.
-When we personify 'god' we debase "him/her/it/the source/the creator/great spirit, etc.," since something so awesome is so far more complex than the limits of human understanding. We are lying (misguided or perhaps naive) if we say that we can truly classify or label it: 'god the source, the creator, etc.,' with our simplistic and flawed human perspective on consciousness. We have only done this to bring ourselves comfort.
-Mourning is for the survivors and is rooted in selfish emotion; although necessary, it is about satisfying the child inside us all.
-Death is a transcendence. There is likely to be consciousness (or a soul), that survives the death of this physical shell. If not, then you won't know it anyway, since you wouldn't exist. So live your life to the fullest and effect goodness and love, you CAN take that with you.
-Your death can be a celebration for yourself or a celebration for others...that all depends on what you did with your life. How will you be remembered? How will you feel when you truly have to face yourself? Think about it.
-If 'god' is truly a part of us and everything, then spirituality is really a path to know thy-self and to know 'god' through one's own journey.
-Materialism does not serve us, it blinds us.
-Spiritual materialism also exists: through the ego. Beware of this as well.
-We construct our own reality and we must therefore strive to deconstruct dogma.
-Everything that we do and feel is based on choice, our emotions are our response to the world around us, a response to stimulus. We can control this. We can control feelings. We have to be aware of them to do so and stop giving away control. NO ONE can MAKE you feel anything: you give away your power and simultaneously your personal responsibility by thinking so.
-Live love: Love thy neighbor,and love thy SELF.
-There may in fact be a collective consciousness. It is likely that we are all truly connected, and that what separates us is actually a facade or a veil: Racism, classism, sexism, hate, bigotry, and differences between us that we ascribe some form of 'value' to, would all disappear if this veil were lifted. It does not serve us, and if we took the time and effort needed to relate to all other humans on some level of common ground, the veil would disappear, and we would see that we are all the same.
-If human kind faced an ELE-catastrophe or an invasion by beings far superior to us, our social stratifiers would cease to be important, what would be important is unified survival. So why do we cling to these ascribed roles?
-We are all one.
Will we effect real social change? OR are we merely fumbling toward democracy?
Please know that whether you are religious, not religious but spiritual, an agnostic, or an atheist, I respect your world view and see it as an equally valid perspective, for it is YOURS.
-Religion is akin to dogmatic bureaucracy; an attempt to 'better' know 'god' through socialization, which can lead to arrogance and typically does. For instance, there are so many different religions, yet each one believes that they have 'got it right.'
-Isn't it more important to have 'faith' that we are a part of everything that is in the universe and will return to it (the universal energy source) when we die, since energy transfers and is not destroyed?
-Math and science only work because we say that they do, they are rooted in knowledge only 'provable' by the human perspective. In another dimensional reality, the rules that we have established as truth would not be likely to apply.
-Believe that you are a part of an infinitely large and infinitely small system (micro/macrocosm), so is the earth, the universe, etc., and your perspective of it is only based on your experience via human senses.
-When we personify 'god' we debase "him/her/it/the source/the creator/great spirit, etc.," since something so awesome is so far more complex than the limits of human understanding. We are lying (misguided or perhaps naive) if we say that we can truly classify or label it: 'god the source, the creator, etc.,' with our simplistic and flawed human perspective on consciousness. We have only done this to bring ourselves comfort.
-Mourning is for the survivors and is rooted in selfish emotion; although necessary, it is about satisfying the child inside us all.
-Death is a transcendence. There is likely to be consciousness (or a soul), that survives the death of this physical shell. If not, then you won't know it anyway, since you wouldn't exist. So live your life to the fullest and effect goodness and love, you CAN take that with you.
-Your death can be a celebration for yourself or a celebration for others...that all depends on what you did with your life. How will you be remembered? How will you feel when you truly have to face yourself? Think about it.
-If 'god' is truly a part of us and everything, then spirituality is really a path to know thy-self and to know 'god' through one's own journey.
-Materialism does not serve us, it blinds us.
-Spiritual materialism also exists: through the ego. Beware of this as well.
-We construct our own reality and we must therefore strive to deconstruct dogma.
-Everything that we do and feel is based on choice, our emotions are our response to the world around us, a response to stimulus. We can control this. We can control feelings. We have to be aware of them to do so and stop giving away control. NO ONE can MAKE you feel anything: you give away your power and simultaneously your personal responsibility by thinking so.
-Live love: Love thy neighbor,and love thy SELF.
-There may in fact be a collective consciousness. It is likely that we are all truly connected, and that what separates us is actually a facade or a veil: Racism, classism, sexism, hate, bigotry, and differences between us that we ascribe some form of 'value' to, would all disappear if this veil were lifted. It does not serve us, and if we took the time and effort needed to relate to all other humans on some level of common ground, the veil would disappear, and we would see that we are all the same.
-If human kind faced an ELE-catastrophe or an invasion by beings far superior to us, our social stratifiers would cease to be important, what would be important is unified survival. So why do we cling to these ascribed roles?
-We are all one.
Will we effect real social change? OR are we merely fumbling toward democracy?
wake up...it's later than you think!

"The Voice"
Won't you take me back to school
I need to learn the golden rule
Won't you lay it on the line
I need to hear it just one more time
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Won't you tell me again
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Oh won't you tell me again
'Cos out on the ocean of life my love
There's so many storms we must rise above
Can you hear the spirit calling
As it's carried across the waves
You're already falling
It's calling you back to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one that it's calling you
Make a promise take a vow
And trust your feelings it's easy now
Understand the voice within
And feel the changes already beginning
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Won't you tell me again
And how many words have I got to say
And how many times will it be this way
With your arms around the future
And your back up against the past
You're already falling it's calling you
On to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one it's calling is you
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Oh won't you tell me again
-The Moody Blues
Won't you take me back to school
I need to learn the golden rule
Won't you lay it on the line
I need to hear it just one more time
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Won't you tell me again
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Oh won't you tell me again
'Cos out on the ocean of life my love
There's so many storms we must rise above
Can you hear the spirit calling
As it's carried across the waves
You're already falling
It's calling you back to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one that it's calling you
Make a promise take a vow
And trust your feelings it's easy now
Understand the voice within
And feel the changes already beginning
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Won't you tell me again
And how many words have I got to say
And how many times will it be this way
With your arms around the future
And your back up against the past
You're already falling it's calling you
On to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one it's calling is you
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Oh won't you tell me again
-The Moody Blues