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Apocalypse Please- by Muse
and now on to the posts...Featuring our speakeasy's journal:
Fumbling Toward Democracy

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Want to know more about Ron Paul's influences on economic theory?
This is a link to a free download of a short (24 page) reader that Ron Paul wrote about his economic influences, leading him to value a free market over a planned market through a central system or socialism. These beliefs are rooted in the Austrian School of economic philosophy of Ludwig von Mises, whom many considered to be an economic genius. Also try a search for Ron Paul on the Mises site to see how they view his economic policies and for links to other Paul publications. Mises on Wikipedia also mentions Ron Paul as having been influenced by this economic pioneer. Check it out and find out for yourself why the 'powers that be' are terrified of a Ron Paul Presidency bringing true prosperity to all Americans.
South Korean halftime show
This is a really amazing display of choreography and synchronization. The music is a bit cheesy, as it is euphorically Asian. DEFINITELY worth watching.
George Carlin said it well...
If you think that I'm crazy for espousing "conspiracy theories" about the true rulers of our US govt., maybe watching a popular comedian say the same thing will help you to see a bit more clearly. (Note: this link contains adult language and may take you to the live leak site to verify your age, I suggest right clicking it to a new tab)
Just because one might sound paranoid, does not necessarily mean that they are wrong.
Just because one might sound paranoid, does not necessarily mean that they are wrong.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Psychic Kitty, Qu'est-ce que c'est!

Apparently a cat named Oscar, who lives at a nursing home in Providence, RI, can sense when patients will die. This cat apparently visits patients just before they die and stays in the room until they do. Oscar has reportedly done this at least 25 times, making his behavior a reliable predictor. He is also reported to not want to leave the room with the dying person. When family members have requested to have Oscar removed, he is known to pace at the door intently and reportedly gets emotional.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Ron, Ron, Ron...Paul!
These are two great videos. One is Rep. Paul addressing supporters at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on 6/16/07, where he gets into tougher questions. The other is a montage including his position on 9-11 and Govt. 'investigations.'
What happened to freedom of speech?
In a scuffle reminiscent of Alex Jones being arrested, this woman 'dared' to ask Fred Thompson (who is not even running, yet...) a difficult question and she was dragged off!
*Also note that CNN apparently reported on this speaking engagement and completely LEFT this incident out entirely! Convenient?
Watch this:
*Also note that CNN apparently reported on this speaking engagement and completely LEFT this incident out entirely! Convenient?
Watch this:
Ahh...IF ONLY!
If only the following were representative of individual people casting their votes. Alas, they are not, but there may be some validity to this. Who really trusts those polls anyway, with extrapolation and inferring.
If you do a Google search TODAY (7/27/07) with all of the 2008 candidates, including some possible late entries or 'dark horses' this is the exact amount of hits you would get:
Results 1 - 10 of about 56,300,000 for *ron paul*
Results 1 - 10 of about 28,600,000 for *al gore*
Results 1 - 10 of about 16,500,000 for *john edwards*
Results 1 - 10 of about 15,400,000 for *hillary clinton*
Results 1 - 10 of about 13,100,000 for *fred thompson*
Results 1 - 10 of about 5,560,000 for *bill richardson*
Results 1 - 10 of about 4,000,000 for *barak obama*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,770,000 for *rudy giuliani*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,640,000 for *john mccain*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,570,000 for *mitt romney*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,410,000 for *condoleeza rice*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,310,000 for *michael bloomberg
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,270,000 for *sam brownback*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,200,000 for *colin powell*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,180,000 for *joe biden*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,160,000 for *duncan hunter*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,110,000 for *wesley clark*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,030,000 for *dennis kucinich*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,990,000 for *stephen colbert*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,990,000 for *bill frist*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,990,000 for *newt gingrich*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,950,000 for *christopher dodd*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,900,000 for *mike gravel*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,890,000 for *tom tancredo*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,860,000 for *ralph nader*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,780,000 for *mike huckabee*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,780,000 for *jeb bush*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,680,000 for *tommy thompson*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,470,000 for *chuck hagel*
Results 1 - 10 of about 145,000,000 for *george bush* - that's BOTH of them
If the election was held today and online...I think you see who'd be on top.
Interesting huh?
If you do a Google search TODAY (7/27/07) with all of the 2008 candidates, including some possible late entries or 'dark horses' this is the exact amount of hits you would get:
Results 1 - 10 of about 56,300,000 for *ron paul*
Results 1 - 10 of about 28,600,000 for *al gore*
Results 1 - 10 of about 16,500,000 for *john edwards*
Results 1 - 10 of about 15,400,000 for *hillary clinton*
Results 1 - 10 of about 13,100,000 for *fred thompson*
Results 1 - 10 of about 5,560,000 for *bill richardson*
Results 1 - 10 of about 4,000,000 for *barak obama*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,770,000 for *rudy giuliani*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,640,000 for *john mccain*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,570,000 for *mitt romney*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,410,000 for *condoleeza rice*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,310,000 for *michael bloomberg
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,270,000 for *sam brownback*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,200,000 for *colin powell*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,180,000 for *joe biden*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,160,000 for *duncan hunter*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,110,000 for *wesley clark*
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,030,000 for *dennis kucinich*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,990,000 for *stephen colbert*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,990,000 for *bill frist*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,990,000 for *newt gingrich*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,950,000 for *christopher dodd*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,900,000 for *mike gravel*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,890,000 for *tom tancredo*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,860,000 for *ralph nader*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,780,000 for *mike huckabee*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,780,000 for *jeb bush*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,680,000 for *tommy thompson*
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,470,000 for *chuck hagel*
Results 1 - 10 of about 145,000,000 for *george bush* - that's BOTH of them
If the election was held today and online...I think you see who'd be on top.
Interesting huh?
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Interesting video
The video speaks for itself, I'm not sure I totally agree but it certainly can evoke discussion.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
North American Union...What YOU should know!
Besides taking land by eminent domain for the super-highway (which will be owned by a Spanish company named Cintra directly linked to Giuliani- follow the link below the video for more on this)...besides changing the US currency to a 3-country "Amero" currency...and besides NOT having elected officials controlling the NAU, therefore being appointed by extremely wealthy special interest groups (dare I say Illuminati?) US sovereignty will be compromised and the NAU will be able to trump the laws or constitution of the three countries AT WILL, making our rights null and void...this is very scary folks! I am all for REAL fair and free trade and global togetherness, BUT WITH ACCOUNTABILITY and LIBERTY intact! Judge for yourself, this is a very important video!
ALSO DON'T Miss: Giuliani is dirty! article link
ALSO DON'T Miss: Giuliani is dirty! article link
Want to know more about Ron Paul? Read his book FREE
Pilfered from the Daily Paul website:
"Dr. Paul's 1988 book, Freedom Under Siege: The US Constitution After 200 Years, is now available free online from Mises.org.
Thanks to Lew Rockwell."
Happy Reading!
"Dr. Paul's 1988 book, Freedom Under Siege: The US Constitution After 200 Years, is now available free online from Mises.org.
Thanks to Lew Rockwell."
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Merry in 10 seconds
Ron Paul may be a supporter of industrial hemp

The following quotation is from a blog page that I recently came across and if true, it is again another great reason to consider Ron Paul for Presidency in 2008!
Ron Paul's Sleeper Issue: Industrial Hemp
Posted July 21st, 2007 by antiwar
in * Ron Paul
"Most readers know that Ron Paul is in the front lines of the fight against the drug war.
But a lesser-known aspect of that issue may garner support from an important segment: farmers.
Last month, The Economist focused on the fight by Iowa farmers to get the right to grow the cannabis plant to produce industrial hemp, which can provide cheaper alternatives for paper, plastics, and one of the healthiest food oils available. On the political side, the article explains "Ron Paul, a Texas congressman and presidential candidate, could win over farmers in Iowa because of his pro-hemp lobbying. In February he introduced a bill in Congress that would allow Americans to grow it."
Today's New York Times has an article about North Dakota farmers wanting to get in on the hemp boom:
Though federal authorities ban the growing of hemp, saying it contains tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive substance better known as THC in marijuana, six states this year considered legislation to allow farmers to grow industrial hemp, and Representative Ron Paul, Republican of Texas, introduced a bill in Washington that would let states allow such crops."
Read the thread in full at: the Daily Paul page for antiwar
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Earthfiles documents the formation of a crop circle
Earthfiles reports that as a crop circle was being formed in the UK on 7/7, researchers were in the immediate area with cameras rolling in starscope. The three observers determined that the crop circle was completely created within the span of 90 min or less. Apparently,
they had last seen the field without a circle, when suddenly they noticed a brilliant light flash and then a crop circle was present. These researchers were the first on the scene for the occurrence. The details of the event were publicly released to the UK media yesterday and the observers of the occurrence were interviewed. Follow THIS LINK to read the interview and to view photo data on the crop circle appearance.

Monday, July 16, 2007
Life's Final Exit
This is a nice article about the transition from life into the next journey. There are apparently planes, trains, and automobiles, so give it a quick read and don't 'miss the boat.'
Friday, July 13, 2007
Do you have trouble staying on task?
Get yourself on track, being more productive and on task in a simple and sound psychological way...find out more
When writing it down just doesn't make a difference, try the above approach and find out so much more helpful life advice at http://zenhabits.net
When writing it down just doesn't make a difference, try the above approach and find out so much more helpful life advice at http://zenhabits.net
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Ron Paul Ron Paul Ron Paul
There I said it let the 'hits' roll on in...:)
This is a fun page to check out on "experimenting" with the Ron Paul buzz...it contains a funny top ten.
This is a fun page to check out on "experimenting" with the Ron Paul buzz...it contains a funny top ten.
Monday, July 9, 2007
FIRE UP THE GRID...WE'RE sending out the LOVE
You heard about or watched Live Earth, well THIS is something that we can all do for humanity and for the earth.
We can send mother earth (Gaia, or what ever you choose to refer to it as) our collective love. I urge you to read about this and to participate. Follow the link below:
Fire the grid

Fire the grid
Whether or not you believe in 'god' or in metaphysics, you must admit that we create our own reality and that positive intent is able to be manifested. Quantum Physics speaks of possibilities and probabilities, well...just try this with good intention and you have nothing to lose. This is free and every human should consider giving just this one hour to the 'cause' (of our collective future).
If you read nothing else on this blog or glean nothing else today from your time in cyberland let it be this; one opportunity to experience Jungian collective consciousness at it's best. Enough said...let's give our mother some much needed love and positivity, everyday...but collectively on: 7/17/07 at 11:11AM GMT OR 7:11AM in EST.WAKE UP EVERYONE~
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
What is REAL anymore?
With the technology that we have it behooves us to really question just what is real and what is not out there...the following link is a good example of skillful manipulation:
Transformation Photoshop
Transformation Photoshop
Land of the Free?
Oh beautiful for spacious skies...I'm writing this on the eve of the 4th of July and as the sound of the neighborhood had gone quiet from the popping of amateur fireworks I can't help but feel a little sad. I feel like our country has been hijacked. I feel like fear mongering has gotten the best of us since 9-11. I can't help but feel sad about being at war in Iraq and a neo-facist, oh excuse me neo-CON regime in power is sitting planning just how we should go into Iran next. Actually, this has probably been planned for a long time. I feel very saddened that my 'great' country is the home of sinister greed and an agenda that sells us war under the guise of spreading democracy. This sounds a bit imperialistic doesn't it. I love my country and I love my 'freedom', granted I'm writing this and I have the freedom to do it, but since I'm just an insignificant nobody as far as the gubberment is concerned I have less to fear, but the fear is STILL THERE. C'MON people let's take the power back. These nasty fat-cat lobbyists and greedy politicians are ruining us. The current administration is bleeding us dry. The 5% of the richest in our great land are getting exponentially richer and the poor are getting more disenfranchised. The middle class is disappearing. AND WORST YET, call me paranoid, but I REALLY fear the real govt., behind the puppets that pose as our govt. How does a country defend against that? Well there's my rant for what it's worth. I hope that all of our troops stay safe and blessed. I hope that THEY at least feel supported. I know that this war is a farce, but simultaneously I can't deny that there are some good things that individuals are doing over there and THEY are the heroes that should not be forgotten.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
December 21, 2012 "Armageddon isn’t what it used to be."
Many have discussed and debated the meaning of or the relevance of the Mayan Calendar that is set to end in about 5 1/2 years. Below is a well written article that is worth reading:
Great NY Times Article- by Benjamin Anastas
“A lot of people ask me if the world is going to end in 2012,” he said, “and I’ve come up with the best way to address that. The short answer is yes. The long answer is no.”-John Major Jenkins.
The quote in the title of THIS post was inspired by the wit of Gina Kissell of the Metaphysical Research Society, which was described within the above article.
What do YOU think about 2012? Please comment...
Great NY Times Article- by Benjamin Anastas
“A lot of people ask me if the world is going to end in 2012,” he said, “and I’ve come up with the best way to address that. The short answer is yes. The long answer is no.”-John Major Jenkins.
The quote in the title of THIS post was inspired by the wit of Gina Kissell of the Metaphysical Research Society, which was described within the above article.
What do YOU think about 2012? Please comment...
Monday, July 2, 2007
Surprise, Surprise...well not really.
CNN reports today that Bush is commuting Lewis Scooter Libby's sentence as it is "too harsh". I guess when your in the 'right' crowd you CAN get away with anything. I'd say this is a new low for Bush, but it's not, besides he's been MUCH lower. Reptiles like the ground.
BRUJAS? Flying "humanoid" filmed in Mexico
Wacky... and I ask myself-why is it that when Mexicans see things that are seemingly paranormal in nature does it tend to be in the form of "el diablo, la chupacabra, los muertos, or brujas?" Just conjecture, but we really do see things the way that WE want to don't we? Plus I discovered this RIGHT after I just began reading "Wicked"....hmmm, ah well, at least the video is cool and worth checking out:
Strange things are afoot (or a 'flight') in Mexico
Strange things are afoot (or a 'flight') in Mexico
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-Pearl Jam
Merry's Personal Credo
This is MY 'truth':
Please know that whether you are religious, not religious but spiritual, an agnostic, or an atheist, I respect your world view and see it as an equally valid perspective, for it is YOURS.
-Religion is akin to dogmatic bureaucracy; an attempt to 'better' know 'god' through socialization, which can lead to arrogance and typically does. For instance, there are so many different religions, yet each one believes that they have 'got it right.'
-Isn't it more important to have 'faith' that we are a part of everything that is in the universe and will return to it (the universal energy source) when we die, since energy transfers and is not destroyed?
-Math and science only work because we say that they do, they are rooted in knowledge only 'provable' by the human perspective. In another dimensional reality, the rules that we have established as truth would not be likely to apply.
-Believe that you are a part of an infinitely large and infinitely small system (micro/macrocosm), so is the earth, the universe, etc., and your perspective of it is only based on your experience via human senses.
-When we personify 'god' we debase "him/her/it/the source/the creator/great spirit, etc.," since something so awesome is so far more complex than the limits of human understanding. We are lying (misguided or perhaps naive) if we say that we can truly classify or label it: 'god the source, the creator, etc.,' with our simplistic and flawed human perspective on consciousness. We have only done this to bring ourselves comfort.
-Mourning is for the survivors and is rooted in selfish emotion; although necessary, it is about satisfying the child inside us all.
-Death is a transcendence. There is likely to be consciousness (or a soul), that survives the death of this physical shell. If not, then you won't know it anyway, since you wouldn't exist. So live your life to the fullest and effect goodness and love, you CAN take that with you.
-Your death can be a celebration for yourself or a celebration for others...that all depends on what you did with your life. How will you be remembered? How will you feel when you truly have to face yourself? Think about it.
-If 'god' is truly a part of us and everything, then spirituality is really a path to know thy-self and to know 'god' through one's own journey.
-Materialism does not serve us, it blinds us.
-Spiritual materialism also exists: through the ego. Beware of this as well.
-We construct our own reality and we must therefore strive to deconstruct dogma.
-Everything that we do and feel is based on choice, our emotions are our response to the world around us, a response to stimulus. We can control this. We can control feelings. We have to be aware of them to do so and stop giving away control. NO ONE can MAKE you feel anything: you give away your power and simultaneously your personal responsibility by thinking so.
-Live love: Love thy neighbor,and love thy SELF.
-There may in fact be a collective consciousness. It is likely that we are all truly connected, and that what separates us is actually a facade or a veil: Racism, classism, sexism, hate, bigotry, and differences between us that we ascribe some form of 'value' to, would all disappear if this veil were lifted. It does not serve us, and if we took the time and effort needed to relate to all other humans on some level of common ground, the veil would disappear, and we would see that we are all the same.
-If human kind faced an ELE-catastrophe or an invasion by beings far superior to us, our social stratifiers would cease to be important, what would be important is unified survival. So why do we cling to these ascribed roles?
-We are all one.
Will we effect real social change? OR are we merely fumbling toward democracy?
Please know that whether you are religious, not religious but spiritual, an agnostic, or an atheist, I respect your world view and see it as an equally valid perspective, for it is YOURS.
-Religion is akin to dogmatic bureaucracy; an attempt to 'better' know 'god' through socialization, which can lead to arrogance and typically does. For instance, there are so many different religions, yet each one believes that they have 'got it right.'
-Isn't it more important to have 'faith' that we are a part of everything that is in the universe and will return to it (the universal energy source) when we die, since energy transfers and is not destroyed?
-Math and science only work because we say that they do, they are rooted in knowledge only 'provable' by the human perspective. In another dimensional reality, the rules that we have established as truth would not be likely to apply.
-Believe that you are a part of an infinitely large and infinitely small system (micro/macrocosm), so is the earth, the universe, etc., and your perspective of it is only based on your experience via human senses.
-When we personify 'god' we debase "him/her/it/the source/the creator/great spirit, etc.," since something so awesome is so far more complex than the limits of human understanding. We are lying (misguided or perhaps naive) if we say that we can truly classify or label it: 'god the source, the creator, etc.,' with our simplistic and flawed human perspective on consciousness. We have only done this to bring ourselves comfort.
-Mourning is for the survivors and is rooted in selfish emotion; although necessary, it is about satisfying the child inside us all.
-Death is a transcendence. There is likely to be consciousness (or a soul), that survives the death of this physical shell. If not, then you won't know it anyway, since you wouldn't exist. So live your life to the fullest and effect goodness and love, you CAN take that with you.
-Your death can be a celebration for yourself or a celebration for others...that all depends on what you did with your life. How will you be remembered? How will you feel when you truly have to face yourself? Think about it.
-If 'god' is truly a part of us and everything, then spirituality is really a path to know thy-self and to know 'god' through one's own journey.
-Materialism does not serve us, it blinds us.
-Spiritual materialism also exists: through the ego. Beware of this as well.
-We construct our own reality and we must therefore strive to deconstruct dogma.
-Everything that we do and feel is based on choice, our emotions are our response to the world around us, a response to stimulus. We can control this. We can control feelings. We have to be aware of them to do so and stop giving away control. NO ONE can MAKE you feel anything: you give away your power and simultaneously your personal responsibility by thinking so.
-Live love: Love thy neighbor,and love thy SELF.
-There may in fact be a collective consciousness. It is likely that we are all truly connected, and that what separates us is actually a facade or a veil: Racism, classism, sexism, hate, bigotry, and differences between us that we ascribe some form of 'value' to, would all disappear if this veil were lifted. It does not serve us, and if we took the time and effort needed to relate to all other humans on some level of common ground, the veil would disappear, and we would see that we are all the same.
-If human kind faced an ELE-catastrophe or an invasion by beings far superior to us, our social stratifiers would cease to be important, what would be important is unified survival. So why do we cling to these ascribed roles?
-We are all one.
Will we effect real social change? OR are we merely fumbling toward democracy?
wake up...it's later than you think!

"The Voice"
Won't you take me back to school
I need to learn the golden rule
Won't you lay it on the line
I need to hear it just one more time
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Won't you tell me again
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Oh won't you tell me again
'Cos out on the ocean of life my love
There's so many storms we must rise above
Can you hear the spirit calling
As it's carried across the waves
You're already falling
It's calling you back to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one that it's calling you
Make a promise take a vow
And trust your feelings it's easy now
Understand the voice within
And feel the changes already beginning
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Won't you tell me again
And how many words have I got to say
And how many times will it be this way
With your arms around the future
And your back up against the past
You're already falling it's calling you
On to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one it's calling is you
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Oh won't you tell me again
-The Moody Blues
Won't you take me back to school
I need to learn the golden rule
Won't you lay it on the line
I need to hear it just one more time
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Won't you tell me again
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Oh won't you tell me again
'Cos out on the ocean of life my love
There's so many storms we must rise above
Can you hear the spirit calling
As it's carried across the waves
You're already falling
It's calling you back to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one that it's calling you
Make a promise take a vow
And trust your feelings it's easy now
Understand the voice within
And feel the changes already beginning
Oh won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Won't you tell me again
And how many words have I got to say
And how many times will it be this way
With your arms around the future
And your back up against the past
You're already falling it's calling you
On to face the music
And the song that is coming through
You're already falling
The one it's calling is you
Each and every heart it seems
Is bounded by a world of dreams
Each and every rising sun
Is greeted by a lonely one
Won't you tell me again
Can you feel it
Oh won't you tell me again
-The Moody Blues